Health Building Note 20 Facilities for mortuary and post-mortem room services. 3rd edition
Publication Year
Document Status
Provides guidance to NHS organisations on planning and designing comprehensive NHS mortuary and post-mortem facilities. It includes accommodation for: the receipt, temporary storage, viewing and removal of bodies, post-mortem examinations, visiting relatives/friends and teaching and research. This guidance may be used where the full facilities are not necessary, for example where a body store with viewing only is required. It may also be used when planning a joint NHS/public mortuary and post-mortem facility. The schedules of accommodation listed have adopted a modular approach to planning to enable project teams to “pick and mix” those facilities that are required.
Document History
When used in Scotland superseded by SHPN 16-01 'Mortuary and post mortem facilities: design and briefing guidance' (HFS, 2017). For England superseded by HBN 16-01 Facilities for mortuaries, including body stores and post-mortem services (NHSENG, 2023)
Publisher Information
NHS Estates
NHS Estates were responsible for strategic development of a flexible and responsive environment for health and social care. Their publications included Health Technical Memorandums, Health Building Notes, design guides, circulars and Health Facilities Notes. Add - These were then transferred to the Department of Health.
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