The fourth NBS National BIM Report – the industry’s most comprehensive report on BIM – looks at how UK building design professionals are adapting to the use of BIM. Results suggest we are now reaching a stage where BIM is becoming the norm.
Essential reading for those adopting – or considering adopting – BIM and available completely free to download.
Download the NBS National
BIM Report 2014 (.pdf, 3.4Mb)

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What's in the report?
- Latest figures for BIM usage and awareness
- The industry’s verdict on the Government’s approach to BIM
- Assessment of BIM from those who are using it
- Analysis of BIM and the smaller practice
- Specialist opinion pieces.
Who is it for?
- UK construction professionals including architects, engineers, surveyors and contractors
- Manufacturers – already embarking on BIM or just starting to consider it
- Policy makers.
Key findings
- Awareness of BIM is now nearly universal
- In the last year 54% have used BIM on at least one project – 15% more than in 2012
- The Government’s 2016 deadline is achievable
- 93% of those who know about BIM believe they will be using it in three years’ time (by 2016)
- A majority of active BIM users tell us they have reached ‘level 2’ BIM
- Adoption of BIM is seen to bring competitive advantage
- Smaller practices are lagging behind their larger competitors
Download the NBS National
BIM Report 2014 (.pdf, 3.4Mb) 
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