BS EN ISO 7010:2012 Graphical symbols - Safety colours and safety signs - Registered safety signs (ISO 7010:2011) (+A5:2015) (incorporating corrigendum April 2015)
Publication Year
Document Status
Prescribes safety signs used for accident prevention, fire protection, health hazard information and emergency evacuation.
Document History
Supersedes BS EN ISO 7010:2012. National Annex NA has been added by PH/8/1 to provide registered safety signs which were originally in BS 5499-5, but have not subsequently been included in ISO 7010, or those which have not been included in either. This National Annex will be revised regularly to include safety signs as they are standardised by ISO and BSI. Amendment dated 31 January 2013 - This corrigendum renumbers BS ISO 7010:2011 as BS EN ISO 7010:2012. National Annex NA has been added. Amendment dated 30 September 2014 - Implementation of ISO amendment 1:2012 with CEN endorsement A1:2014. Amendment dated 30 September 2014 - Implementation of ISO amendment 2:2012 with CEN endorsement A2:2014. Amendment dated 30 September 2014 - Implementation of ISO amendment 3:2012 with CEN endorsement A3:2014. Amendment dated 31 January 2015 - Implementation of ISO amendment 4:2013 with CEN endorsement A4:2014. Amendment dated 28 February 2015 - Implementation of ISO amendment 5:2014 with CEN endorsement A5:2015. Amendment dated 30 April 2015 - Correction to symbol M040 in Table 2.
Publisher Information
British Standards Institution
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