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Evaluation of the national strategy for neighbourhood renewal - final report
Publication Year
Document Status
Examines the nature and extent of neighbourhood deprivation, how conditions have changed since the introduction of the national strategy for neighbourhood renewal in 2001, and the factors which have influenced those changes. Also assesses the impact and value for money of the strategy and concludes by drawing together lessons for future policy.
Document History
To be read with Evaluation of the national strategy for neighbourhood renewal - final report: annexes; Evaluation of the national strategy for neighbourhood renewal - econometric modelling of neighbourhood change; Evaluation of the national strategy for neighbourhood renewal - improving educational attainment in deprived areas; and Evaluation of the national strategy for neighbourhood renewal - local research project (all DCLG, 2010). Produced in conjunction with Amion Consulting.
Publisher Information
Department for Communities and Local Government
Now known as the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. The Department for Communities and Local Government is a UK Government department that works to create thriving, sustainable, vibrant communities that improve everyone's quality of life. This includes housing, improving public services, regeneration, sustainability and the prevention of anti-social behaviour. They were formerly known as the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
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Website: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-communities-and-local-government