Choice Framework for Local Policy and Procedures 01-04 Decontamination of linen for health and social care: engineering, equipment and validation
Publication Year
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Details the engineering statutory and regulatory framework for those organisations that process healthcare and adult social care linen. Also includes guidance on incident reporting requirements for NHS organisations and additional good practice notes on design and pre-purchase of washers to be used for processing healthcare and adult social care linen. This volume also contains detailed advice regarding validation for those linen processors not proceeding with independently certified adoption of BS EN 14065.
Document History
Published 20 March 2013. This CFPP amalgamates earlier versions of laundry guidance. Earlier documentation incorporated in and superseded by this guidance includes HSG(95)18 and parts of Health Building Note 25 - Laundry (HBN 25). Supersedes Space for Health: Healthcare Environment 'Choice framework for local policy and procedures 01-04 – decontamination of linen for health and social care: engineering, equipment and validation manual' (2012). Choice framework for local policy and procedures 01-04: decontamination of linen for health and social care, consists of five parts: management and provision; engineering, equipment and validation; social care and guidance for linen processors implementing European standard BS EN 14065.
Publisher Information
Department of Health
The Department of Health was committed to improving the quality and convenience of care provided by the NHS and social services. Its work included setting national standards, shaping the direction of health and social care services and promoting healthier living. Publications included Space for Health: Technical Manuals, as well as the Health Building Notes, Health Technical Memorandums, and White Papers. They were renamed to the Department of Health and Social Care. However responsibility for technical guidance was then transferred to NHS Improvement in February 2017 which is now part of NHS England and NHS Improvement.
Richmond House
79 Whitehall