Guidance Notes: General Series (GS) GS 53 Single-flue steel industrial chimneys: inspection and maintenance
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Document Status
Reviews the necessity for, and methods of, carrying out inspections of single-flue steel industrial chimneys. Owners, operators and users of steel industrial chimneys have duties to protect the health and safety of their employees and others affected by the operation of the chimney. Among other things, they need to ensure that the chimney is properly maintained. Single-flue steel chimneys rely on the structural integrity of the flue for their stability. They are vulnerable structures because the flues vent and are, therefore, often in close contact with the agents which cause rapid deterioration of steel. In addition, they are dynamically sensitive and extremely complex structures and are different from conventional structures because they respond readily to the cyclic components of everyday loads, especially wind.
Publisher Information
Health and Safety Executive
The Health and Safety Executive work to protect the health and safety of people in the workplace by minimising risks. They achieve this through research, information and advice, promoting training, new or revised regulations and codes of practice, inspection, investigation and enforcement.
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