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Report BR 445 Reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete panels: review of behaviour and developments in assessment and design

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Reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) panels are widely used in mainland Europe. A new European Standard covering prefabricated RAAC components is about to be published, so it is timely to examine this form of construction. Describes: Circumstances where excessive in-service deflections and cracking have raised. concerns about the performance of RAAC roof panels designed before 1980, Laboratory testing used to evaluate the performance of RAAC roof panels recovered from a housing development and a school after some 20 years of service, Some mechanisms that potentially influence the observed in-service behaviours, The development and principal aspects of new design guidance for RAAC panels contained in prEN 12602, and The medium-duration testing completed in 2000 of some aspects of the performance of RAAC panels fabricated to the new design guidance. Does not apply to beam-and-block floors or walls that contain autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) blocks in their construction, nor to any other AAC components.


Matthews, S., Narayanan, N. and Goodier, A.



Publisher Information


BRE is a building science centre that generates new knowledge through research. This is used to create products, tools and standards that drive positive change across the built environment. BRE helps its government and private sector clients meet the significant environmental, social and economic challenges they face in delivering homes, buildings and communities. BRE is owned by the BRE Trust, a registered charity. The Trust uses the profits made by the BRE companies to fund research and education that advances knowledge of the built environment.

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