Starting to live differently - Consultation on the review of the sustainable development scheme
Publication Year
Document Status
Seeks to update the Assembly’s legally binding Sustainable Development Scheme under section 121 of the Government of Wales Act 1998. It looks at what needs to change in Wales in terms of sustainable development principles and what actions will deliver that change.
Document History
Should be read with The sustainable development action plan of the Welsh Assembly Government, once it passes the consultation stage. No longer applicable as 'One Wales: one planet. The sustainable development scheme of the Welsh Assembly Government' issued by WAG in 2009.
Publisher Information
National Assembly for Wales
Now known as the Welsh Parliament (or Senedd Cymru in Welsh). The role of the National Assembly for Wales is to scrutinise and monitor the Welsh Assembly Government. Their publications include technical advice notes, circulars and policy documents on planning and the built environment. Formerly known as the Welsh Office.
Cardiff Bay