Report BR 497 Conventions for calculating linear thermal transmittance and temperature factors (Withdrawn)
Publication Year
Document Status
Withdrawn, cited in regs
Gives the conventions that should be followed by numerical modellers to produce consistent, reproducible results. Identifies two key modelling outputs, temperature factor and linear thermal transmittance, for purposes of building regulation. These key outputs should enable designers to confirm the adequacy of particular junction details and help with the development of novel solutions to improve the thermal performance of junctions.
Document History
Withdrawn January 2016. Prepared to complement the outline methodology for the treatment of thermal bridges given in BRE’s Information Paper IP 1/06.
Ward, T. and Sanders, C.
Publisher Information
BRE is a building science centre that generates new knowledge through research. This is used to create products, tools and standards that drive positive change across the built environment. BRE helps its government and private sector clients meet the significant environmental, social and economic challenges they face in delivering homes, buildings and communities. BRE is owned by the BRE Trust, a registered charity. The Trust uses the profits made by the BRE companies to fund research and education that advances knowledge of the built environment.
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