NBS Shortcut 19 Turning a deaf ear. Assisted hearing devices for the hard of hearing
Publication Year
Document Status
Outlines means of assisting the hard of hearing in the built environment through the use of amplified sound and low background noise in place of fine-tuning the reverberation times of fittings and finishes. Addresses infrared systems and audio frequency induction loop systems (AFILS).
Document History
NBS Shortcuts is a series of illustrated "how-to" articles and guides, covering a wide range of practice, regulatory and design guidance.
Williams, A.
Publisher Information
RIBA Enterprises
RIBA Enterprises has over 30 years experience in delivering effective solutions to the information needs of the UK construction industry. They provide a range of NBS specification products, which are complemented by product and manufacture information as well as a range of technical guidance, books and contracts.