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BS EN 1996-2:2006 Eurocode 6 - Design of masonry structures. Design considerations, selection of materials and execution of masonry (incorporating corrigendum September 2009) (Superseded but remains current)
Publication Year
Document Status
Replaced, remains current
Deals with selection of materials and execution of masonry and masonry protection during execution, as well as factors affecting performance and durability, resistance of buildings to moisture penetration, storage, preparation and use of materials on site.
Document History
Superseded by BS EN 1996-2:2024. This document is considered to be a first generation Eurocode and is the applicable standard for building and civil engineering works constructed in the UK. A period now exists to prepare for the transition between first and second generation Eurocodes. First generation Eurocodes will be withdrawn by BSI on 30 March 2028 and will be replaced by second generation Eurocodes. Supersedes DD ENV 1996-2:2001. Following publication of the EN, there is a period allowed for national calibration during which the National Annex is issued, followed by a co-existence period of a maximum three years. During the co-existence period Member States will be encouraged to adapt their national provisions. At the end of this co-existence period, the conflicting parts of national standard(s) will be withdrawn. In the UK, the corresponding national standards are: BS 5628-1:1992, Code of practice for use of masonry. Structural use of unreinforced masonry. BS 5628-2:2000, Code of practice for use of masonry. Structural use of reinforced and prestressed masonry. BS 5628-3:2001, Code of practice for use of masonry. Materials and components, design and workmanship. To enable EN 1996-2 to be used in the UK, the NDPs will be published in a National Annex, which will be made available by BSI in due course, after public consultation has taken place. Amendment dated 31 March 2010 - Implementation of CEN corrigendum September 2009.
Publisher Information
British Standards Institution
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