BS EN 998-2:2010 Specification for mortar for masonry. Masonry mortar (incorporating corrigendum July 2011)
Publication Year
Document Status
Specifies requirements for factory made masonry mortars (bedding, jointing and pointing) for use in masonry walls, columns and partitions (e.g. facing and rendered masonry, load bearing or non-load bearing masonry structures for building and civil engineering). Definition is also given for the performance related to workable life, chloride content, air content, density and correction time (thin-layer mortars only) for fresh mortars. For hardened mortars it defines e.g. performances related to compressive strength, bond strength and density.
Document History
Supersedes BS EN 998-2:2003. See National foreword for information relating to content and applicability of the National Annex. Amendment dated 31 July 2011 - National Annex NA re-introduced.
Publisher Information
British Standards Institution
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