Town centres and retailing research project
Publication Year
Document Status
Comprises a supporting document to the draft strategic planning policy statement for Northern Ireland which set out to: investigate existing town centre and retail planning policy practice in other jurisdictions, advise on best practice and identify potential implications for Northern Ireland; undertake an assessment of the current health of designated town centre and review existing and committed out-of-centre retail development; provide an assessment of town centre and retail trends, specifically considering their impact on Northern Ireland in the short, medium and long term; undertake a programme of structured stakeholder engagement to inform research and policy recommendations; and provide and evaluate options for town centre and retail planning policy in Northern Ireland, including recommending a preferred approach for future policy direction.
Document History
Prepared by GL Hearn for DOENI. Consultation closed on 29 April 2014. Other documents available in this consultation: Strategic planning policy statement for Northern Ireland (SPPS) - planning for sustainable development: public consultation draft; Partial regulatory impact assessment - strategic planning policy statement for Northern Ireland (SPPS); and Strategic planning policy statement (SPPS) for Northern Ireland - strategic environmental assessment (SEA): environmental report (all DOENI, 2014).
Publisher Information
Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland
The Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland (DOENI) is now known as the Department for Communities (DfC). The Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland's role was to promote sustainable development principles, responsible land use, air and water quality, and waste management, the reduction of road traffic casualties and ensure effective local government.
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