BS EN 16005:2012 Power operated pedestrian doorsets - safety in use - requirements and test methods (incorporating corrigenda November 2013 and August 2015) (Withdrawn)
Publication Year
Document Status
Details the safety requirements, protective measures and tests for internal and external power operated pedestrian doorsets. These may be electro-mechanically, electro-hydraulically or pneumatically operated. Covers power operated pedestrian doorsets used for normal access as well as in escape routes and as fire resistance and/or smoke control doorsets.
Document History
Superseded by BS EN 16005:2023. Supersedes BS 7036-1:1996, BS 7036-2:1996, BS 7036-3:1996, BS 7036-4:1996 and BS 7036-5:1996. Amendment dated 30 November 2013 - Supersession information added to national foreword. Amendment dated 31 October 2015 - Implementation of CEN corrigendum August 2015.
Publisher Information
British Standards Institution
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