CSA Standard B139 SERIES-15 Ontario installation code for oil-burning equipment (B139 Series-15 with 2016 TSSA Ontario amendments)
Publication Year
Document Status
The complete 2015 edition of CSA B139 as well as the Code Adoption Documents (CAD) published by TSSA in one complete package.
Document History
Superseded by B139 SERIES-19.
Publisher Information
Canadian Standards Association
CSA Group is a global organization dedicated to safety, social good, and sustainability. CSA Group is a leader in Standards Development and in Testing, Inspection and Certification around the world, including Canada, the U.S., Europe, and Asia. The mission of CSA Group’s not-for-profit Standards Development Organization is to enhance the lives of people through the advancement of standards in the public and private sectors. The technical and management standards developed with more than 10,000 CSA Group volunteer members help improve safety, health, the environment, and economic efficiency. CSA Group is also a major educator in the application of standards, offering instructor-led training (in-person or virtual), self-paced online courses, personnel certification, and other learning products to meet the needs of standards users.
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