Handbook for ceramic, glass, and stone tile installation
Publication Year
Document Status
Product selection guides for ceramic, glass, and stone tiles; guidelines for wet areas; ISO mortar and grout specifications; information on substrate flatness requirements; information on grout joint sizes and patterns, and workmanship standards excerpted from ANSI installation standards.
Document History
Superseded by the 2022 edition.
Publisher Information
Tile Council of North America
TCNA is a North American trade association representing manufacturers of ceramic tile, tile installation materials, tile equipment, raw materials, and other tile-related products; facilitating the development of industry quality standards, conducting independent research and product testing, offering professional training, and publishing technical and promotional literature.
100 Clemson Research Blvd.,
Website: https://www.tcnatile.com/
Email: info@tileusa.com
Tel: +1 864 646-8453