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Guide to taking part in planning and listed building consent appeals proceeding by an inquiry
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Guidance on participating in planning and listed building consent appeals proceeded by an inquiry in England, what the rules are, what is considered and a timetable for the inquiry procedure.
Document History
Last updated: 12 September 2024 - Updated to include a reference to the new AI guide. Sourced from: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/planning-appeals-dealt-with-by-an-inquiry-taking-part/guide-to-taking-part-in-planning-and-listed-building-consent-appeals-proceeding-by-an-inquiry and converted to pdf. Whilst we endeavour to capture all updates it is subject to receiving alerts from the publisher and there may be formatting or punctuation changes applied to the html version that do not affect the text. Document type: guidance. First published: 6 March 2014.
Publisher Information
Planning Inspectorate
The Planning Inspectorate processes planning and enforcement appeals and holding examinations into regional spatial strategies and local development plans.
Temple Quay House
2 The Square
Temple Quay
Website: http://www.planning-inspectorate.gov.uk/
Email: enquiries@planning-inspectorate.gsi.gov.uk
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