Handbook for ceramic, glass, and stone tile installation
Publication Year
Document Status
Product selection guides for ceramic, glass, and stone tiles; guidelines for wet areas; ISO mortar and grout specifications; substrate flatness requirements; information on grout joint sizes and patterns, and workmanship standards excerpted from ANSI installation standards.
Document History
Supersedes the 2024 edition.
Publisher Information
Tile Council of North America
TCNA is a North American trade association representing manufacturers of ceramic tile, tile installation materials, tile equipment, raw materials, and other tile-related products; facilitating the development of industry quality standards, conducting independent research and product testing, offering professional training, and publishing technical and promotional literature.
100 Clemson Research Blvd.,
Website: https://www.tcnatile.com/
Email: info@tileusa.com
Tel: +1 864 646-8453