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Report BR 113 Steel framed and steel clad houses: inspection and assessment
Publication Year
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Addressed to local authority and private sector surveyors, Describes in general terms the methods of inspection and assessment of the steel content of steel framed and steel clad houses (and cast iron houses) required to produce a 'structural survey'. The report, based largely on recent BRE survey work, identifies locations where steel is vulnerable to corrosion, and gives outline advice on the likely integrity and future durability of protection systems which might be encountered, and the rate at which unprotected steel might corrode in the future. The report concludes that most corrosion encountered so far in the inspections has been of a superficial nature. However, there are a few dwellings where corrosion in particular parts of the construction is more advanced. Corroded rolled steel, where it occurs, is relatively easy to cut away and replace with standard sections. The majority of steel houses are expected to give good performance into the foreseeable future, and should have a life on a par with rehabilitated dwellings in conventional construction.
Document History
Included in BRE Report 469 - Non traditional houses.
Harrison, H. W.
Publisher Information
BRE is a building science centre that generates new knowledge through research. This is used to create products, tools and standards that drive positive change across the built environment. BRE helps its government and private sector clients meet the significant environmental, social and economic challenges they face in delivering homes, buildings and communities. BRE is owned by the BRE Trust, a registered charity. The Trust uses the profits made by the BRE companies to fund research and education that advances knowledge of the built environment.
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