Digital construction report 2021
Incorporating The BIM report
Section 4: Conclusions
There are always differing views about new technologies, and change of any kind. And it would be wise to evaluate the likely value of making a change before doing so, especially if that change or technology requires significant investment. The reason for the type of change that we’re concerned with here – the use of digital technologies and better information management – is to help us create a better built environment: a safer one that is more environmentally sustainable. The results of this survey show that the majority of built environment professionals do agree that digital technologies are helping to achieve these things. With specific reference to safety, there is also strong agreement that professionals need to work digitally, and adopt BIM, in order to play their part in realising the golden thread of information.
And when referring to BIM, around two thirds now think of this as being about better information management, rather than simply create a 3D model.
These findings indicate that the direction of travel is right, and that digital ways of working and better information management are helping us to create a better built environment.
To continue the travel metaphor, the majority (over 90%) recognise that they are on some kind of digital transformation journey. They may not normally use this terminology – and there may be debates about exactly what constitutes BIM, cloud computing and off-site construction – but these findings confirm that the industry is embracing digital, and that the majority believe that it is having a positive effect.