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Technical Standards for compliance with the Building Standards (Scotland) Regulations 1990 K Ventilation of buildings. 6th Amendment 2001

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The intention of this Part is to ensure reasonable provision for an adequate supply of air for human occupation of a building. Ventilation can be provided by natural means, natural with mechanical assistance or wholly mechanical. The ventilation of a building can have a significant effect on energy consumption and a thorough assessment of natural as against mechanical ventilation should be made as the decision could significantly affect the energy efficiency of a building. Increased standards of insulation and "tighter" construction of buildings, which reduces the number of natural air changes, increase the risk of condensation particularly in dwellings. The standards of ventilation given for moisture producing areas are the minimum necessary to provide means of combating condensation. The effect of these standards will be determined by design and workmanship both of the ventilation arrangements and the building as a whole.

Document History

Technical standards for compliance with the Building standards (Scotland) regulations 1990 as amended by the: Building standards (Scotland) amendment regulations 1993. Building standards (Scotland) amendment regulations 1994. Building standards (Scotland) amendment regulations 1996. Building (Scotland) amendment regulations 1997. Building standards and procedure amendment (Scotland) regulations 1999. Building standards amendment (Scotland) regulations 2001.



Publisher Information

Scottish Executive

The Scottish Executive is now known as the Scottish Government. The Scottish Executive was formerly the Scottish Office; some older documents were published by the Scottish Development Department.

Scottish Executive Desk
The Stationery Office Bookshop
71 Lothian Road

Website: http://www.scotland.gov.uk/
Tel: 0870 606 5566