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Paper 2003/4 Towards a strategy for Scotland's biodiversity: Scotland's biodiversity resource and trends

Publication Year


Document Status



In preparation for Scotland's Biodiversity Strategy this document deals with identifying the starting point and priorities for action. It defines the present status of biodiversity in terms of habitats, species and genetic resources. Also looks at explaining some the most prominent and relatively recent changes in biodiversity. It examines trends, looks more closely at reported trends in priority habitats and species, and considers the key influences that have an impact on biodiversity in Scotland.

Document History

Prepared by members of the Action Plan & Science Group of the Scottish Biodiversity Forum.



Publisher Information

Scottish Executive

The Scottish Executive is now known as the Scottish Government. The Scottish Executive was formerly the Scottish Office; some older documents were published by the Scottish Development Department.

Scottish Executive Desk
The Stationery Office Bookshop
71 Lothian Road

Website: http://www.scotland.gov.uk/
Tel: 0870 606 5566