Protection of school playing fields and land for city academies
Publication Year
Document Status
Covers the two main circumstances in which local authorities need to seek the consent of the Secretary of State for Education and Skills to dispose of certain categories of land. It also covers the disposal of playing fields by certain school bodies. The guidance describes the following legislation which provides for these circumstances: Section 77 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998, and Schedule 8 to the Learning and Skills Act 2000.
Document History
Replaces DfEE Circular 3/99 Protection of school playing fields. Superseded by Protection of school playing fields and land for academies (DFES, 2004).
Publisher Information
Department for Education and Skills
Since June 2007 now known as the Department for Children, Schools and Families. In 1999 the Department for Education and Skills took over the Department for Education and Employment. They continued to produce the building bulletins and other design guidance to support the construction of school facilities.
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