Creating local development frameworks - consultation draft on the process of preparing local development frameworks
Publication Year
Document Status
Sets out advice on how to produce local development frameworks (LDFs). It provides practical advice and suggestions on how to produce local development documents (LDDs), and plan and manage the process of producing the LDF as a whole. The primary focus of the guide is on the process of LDF production.
Document History
Consultation closed on 16 January 2004. To be read with draft PPS12: Local development frameworks (ODPM 2003). Superseded by Creating local development frameworks - a companion guide to PPS12 (ODPM, 2004).
Publisher Information
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister is now known as the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG). Their publications included the Building Regulations Approved Documents, Planning Policy Guidance Notes, and technical reports and fact sheets covering a wide range of subjects within the built environment.
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