Health Technical Memorandum 05-02 Firecode - fire safety in the NHS: guidance in support of functional provisions for healthcare premises
Publication Year
Document Status
Provides guidance on the design of fire precautions in new healthcare buildings and major extensions to existing healthcare buildings. Recognises the interaction between physical fire precautions, the dependency of the patient, the fire hazards within the healthcare premises, the management policies, and the availability of sufficient and adequately trained staff in achieving an acceptable level of fire safety within healthcare premises.
Document History
Superseded by 2014 edition. Comes into effect April 2007. Supersedes NHS Estates' HTMs 81 and 85, and 'Fire risk assessment in nucleus hospitals'. 05-02A was the consultation for this publication.
Publisher Information
Department of Health
The Department of Health was committed to improving the quality and convenience of care provided by the NHS and social services. Its work included setting national standards, shaping the direction of health and social care services and promoting healthier living. Publications included Space for Health: Technical Manuals, as well as the Health Building Notes, Health Technical Memorandums, and White Papers. They were renamed to the Department of Health and Social Care. However responsibility for technical guidance was then transferred to NHS Improvement in February 2017 which is now part of NHS England and NHS Improvement.
Richmond House
79 Whitehall