National transport plan - habitats regulation assessment. Statement to inform an appropriate assessment - consultation version
Publication Year
Document Status
Seeks views on the Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) associated with the proposals to create a more integrated and sustainable transport system for Wales. The HRA will identify whether the National Transport Plan is likely to have a significant effect on upon sites designated under the EC Birds and Habitats Directives as well as sites designated under the Ramsar Convention and if so, to assess the plan's implications for those sites, having regard to their conservation objectives.
Document History
Superseded by National transport plan - habitats regulation assessment. Statement to inform an appropriate assessment (WAG, 2010). Consultation closed on 8 January 2010. To be read with National transport plan (WAG, 2009).
Publisher Information
Welsh Assembly Government
Now known as the Welsh Government. The Welsh Assembly Government was the devolved government for Wales. They published a number of strategies, policies, consultation papers, circulars, leaflets and posters.
Cathays Park
Tel: 0845 010 3300 (English)