National transport plan
Publication Year
Document Status
Sets out the detail of how the Wales Transport Strategy will be delivered over the next five years. Builds on previous plans, adding, and integrating public and community transport, walking and cycling. Sets out solutions to transport issues along the main movement corridors in Wales (the east/west corridors in north, mid and south Wales and the north/south corridor), covering all modes of transport.
Document History
Superseded by National transport finance plan 2015 (Welsh Government, 2015). This document relates to the following: National transport plan 2015 - draft (consultation document) (Welsh Government, 2015); Prioritised national transport plan (Welsh Government, 2011); Monitoring the national transport plan, baseline report, 2010 (WAG, 2011); National transport plan - habitats regulation assessment. Statement to inform an appropriate assessment (WAG, 2010) and One Wales: connecting the nation. The Wales transport strategy (WAG, 2008). Supersedes National transport plan (WAG, 2009).
Publisher Information
Welsh Assembly Government
Now known as the Welsh Government. The Welsh Assembly Government was the devolved government for Wales. They published a number of strategies, policies, consultation papers, circulars, leaflets and posters.
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Tel: 0845 010 3300 (English)