Lighting and crime
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The information given in this document is intended to provide the reader with an overview of the relationship between lighting and crime. It does so by setting the scene in relation to the current crime situation generally and details the known facts that link the level of crime with the level of artificial light. As the expenditure of public money in the field of exterior lighting is considerably greater than in the private sector, attention is given to the cost to the community of crime and its related fields together with the cost of providing appropriate lighting preventative measures. The technical solutions available to the lighting engineer are varied in style and character but whatever the required aesthetics of the situation, lighting to the recommended levels can be provided at what many find to be unexpectedly low costs. It is this key relationship between the high cost of crime and the low cost of lighting that needs to be appreciated by all those with an interest in the community's well-being.
Document History
Supersedes 1994 edition.
Publisher Information
Institution of Lighting Engineers
Now known as Institution of Lighting Professionals
Regent House
Regent Place