Improving the planning appeal process - consultation document
Publication Year
Document Status
Puts forward proposals for various changes to the planning appeals system in Wales. The main changes on which the views are sought are: introducing a quicker, simpler system for householder appeals; the appeal method for each case to be decided on the basis of published indicative criteria; extending the costs regime to written representation planning appeals; introducing a simple procedure for correcting errors in appeal decisions; changing the current arrangements for payment of enforcement application fees; requiring that Statements of Common Ground are submitted earlier in the appeals process; and introducing a formal process and guidance for undertaking bespoke timetables for complex inquiries.
Document History
Consultation closed on 17 November 2011.
Publisher Information
Welsh Assembly Government
Now known as the Welsh Government. The Welsh Assembly Government was the devolved government for Wales. They published a number of strategies, policies, consultation papers, circulars, leaflets and posters.
Cathays Park
Tel: 0845 010 3300 (English)