Circular 07/2003 Planning (and analogous) appeals and call-in procedures
Publication Year
Document Status
Explains the new procedures for handling planning appeals in Wales, which are being introduced with effect from 1 April 2003 and 1 June 2003 respectively. These procedures (written representations, hearings, and inquiries) apply to appeals received on or after those dates, applications called-in after those dates and, with the exception of those cases dealt with under the hearings procedure, all planning appeal cases which have been returned to the National Assembly after those dates for redetermination (depending on the procedure adopted for their determination).
Document History
Supersedes Welsh Office Circular 7/97.
Publisher Information
National Assembly for Wales
Now known as the Welsh Parliament (or Senedd Cymru in Welsh). The role of the National Assembly for Wales is to scrutinise and monitor the Welsh Assembly Government. Their publications include technical advice notes, circulars and policy documents on planning and the built environment. Formerly known as the Welsh Office.
Cardiff Bay