Research Report 309 Assessment implications from tests on a model concrete beam and slab bridge
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A half-scale model bridge deck has been tested to collapse. It consisted of eight precast prestressed beams with an in-situ concrete slab. The deck was tested under dead load, superimposed dead load and live load. It was loaded to collapse by increasing the HB component of load unit failure. Member forces calculated from a linear grillage analysis (GRIDS) are used to evaluate the test results. The report contains: i) An evaluation of reserves of strength in the design according to code calculations and the influence of the form of loading, ii) A discussion of the effectiveness of code provisions, iii) An evaluation of the reserves of strength present in the model and the influence of material strength, redistribution, etc., iv) An indication of how the reserves of strength might be used in the assessment of similar structures. It is concluded that the design was conservative, but the overall margin was not particularly large.
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Transport Research Laboratory
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