Our Best Practice Guide to Specification Writing guide draws upon more than 50 years of combined experience from NBS and the team at NBS Schumann in order to help you get your specifications right.
06 January 2022
Download a sample financial summary and see what's possible with NBS Chorus.
This ROI tool will help you gain a clearer understanding of the business benefits that you may be able to achieve by using NBS Chorus as your specification platform.
31 March 2021
Discover the benefits of moving to a digital specification platform
18 March 2021
We're talking to inspirational industry leaders about the trends and technologies impacting the construction industry – from sustainability to regulations to change management, we’ll be covering it all.
In each episode, we will interview guests about key topics and their inspiring work and careers.
Make sure you tune in for essential knowledge and insight into a changing industry and what it means for you.
If you're interested in taking part or have any feedback or suggestions, please contact us at podcast@theNBS.com.
A wide range of interesting articles that help you make informed decisions and deliver the best projects for your clients authored by our team of NBS subject specialists and construction industry contributors.