This programme investigates the recent changes to BS 8300 'Design of buildings and their approaches to meet the needs of disabled people'. BS 8300:2009 is a full amendment to the 2001 version, and includes changes brought about by active lobbying from disability groups. The programme starts by looking at the key changes to the Standard, including the increased prominence of light reflectance values, requirements for door ironmongery, and recommendations for stairs and steps. It also tackles guidance for external ramps, handrails and door vision panels, and covers alarm visibility and car parking. The biggest change to the Standard, however, is the provision of adult Changing Place facilities (combined toilet, shower and changing rooms for use by people with complex and multiple disabilities), a requirement which the programme examines in detail. This programme is part of a series looking at architectural and design issues affecting disabled people.
About the contributors
Fausto Pereira is a director with PH Partnership. An architect with special expertise in designing for people with disabilities and access-related issues, Fausto is a National Register of Access Consultants assessor and was also the Vice Chair and CPD-Coordinator for the North East branch of the Access Association. He is also a visiting lecturer teaching accessible design at Newcastle University.