Laser scans are a quick and easy way to collect extremely accurate data about on-site conditions. We explore some of the advantages of the "Scan to BIM" process, what laser scanning entails, and how point clouds can be used to deliver 3D parametric models.
The team at David Miller Architects share their experience using high-quality BIM objects as part of their project design workflow.
21 November 2017
| by NBS
In this class from the Forge DevCon strand of Autodesk University Las Vegas, Dr Stephen Hamil from NBS looks at how project teams can collaborate to develop information on a BIM project.
How do you decide if your project needs a passenger lift or a platform lift? We explore the pros and cons of these access solutions and some of the key considerations, whichever you opt for.
The Department for Education has confirmed that T-level courses in construction will get underway in 2020.
Plain Language Questions posed by a client/employer help guide how the supply chain rises to the challenges of delivery on a construction project. We explore how PLQs fit into a project workflow.
The NBS National BIM Report for Manufacturers 2017 provides a snapshot of the changes the industry has been going through since the BIM mandate was implemented in April 2016 and shows what manufacturers are making of the opportunities on offer. Here we distil some of the key findings from this year's survey.
07 November 2017
| by NBS
We want to be the first place you turn for answers to your construction questions. Help shape our site by telling us what you want to see more of...
We explore applications and practicalities of installing raised access flooring systems in this NBS guide.
There's a packed events programme in store for 2018. Don’t miss out on the best conferences, exhibitions, expos and networking events that can add value to your working life in the months ahead.
In our beginner's guide we look at issues arising when assessing potential impacts of built assets across the project lifecycle.
The latest ranking of UK smart cities commissioned by Huawei UK charts an increasing pack of contenders and challengers with an interesting change at the top of the table.