Evidence suggests that green space is good for us bringing physical and mental health benefits and a range of positive social, environmental and equity outcomes. But how best to deliver these benefits with finite resources? We look for guidance...
Industry Foundation Classes - or IFC, for short, makes it possible to hold and exchange relevant data between different software applications and is at the heart of openBIM. We explore interoperability for digital construction in this beginner's guide.
Don't miss out on the latest research and analysis from NBS. This month sees the publication of our Specification Report and the NBS National BIM Survey. Get the latest insight and analysis with our unmissable free downloads.
The annual NBS National BIM Report is now recognised as one of the industry’s most comprehensive reviews into the use of BIM. Now in its seventh year, the latest report is packed with a range of insight and expertise, it gives a snapshot of the changes the industry has been going through since the BIM mandate was implemented in April 2016.
Richard Waterhouse, CEO of NBS, introduces our seventh annual National BIM Report and explores some of the key themes and trends.
The annual NBS National BIM Report is now recognised as one of the industry’s most comprehensive reviews into the use of BIM. Now in its seventh year, we distil some of the key findings from this year's survey.
Procuring an electronic access control system is often way down the list of priorities when designing a new or, refurbishing an existing property; however, in this article we explore some important aspects to be considered when developing an access control strategy and highlight some of the pitfalls to be avoided if the optimum system is to be designed and installed.
Graphisoft has developed a new tool to enable designers and manufacturers to create BIM objects suitable for use in ARCHICAD without GDL experience or programming knowledge. To show just how easy the tool is to use we've developed a broad set of generic FFE objects and made them available on the NBS National BIM Library.
In November 2016 we launched our latest survey in a bid to understand how the industry is changing the way it writes specifications as it continues to adopt digital ways of working. We're now ready to share the results in the NBS Specification Report 2017.
What makes a city street “tick”? What gives it that essential but elusive quality of a desirable “ambience”?
NBS staff open the doors to our UK headquarters, taking you on a tour of the recently-refurbished, BCO award-winning, Old Post Office in the heart of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne.
The Swedish-headquartered purveyor of MALMs, EKTORPs and BILLY bookcases is set to make a play for the smart lighting market with its new TRÅDFRI range. With BSRIA estimating that the smart home and light market in the UK is set to grow by almost 30% in 2017 is it time to start specifying smart tech? We look to shed some light on the subject.