Lift shafts put a dampener on our architectural ambitions so what if lifts could travel horizontally and vertically? thyssenkrupp have unveiled a vision of the future Wonka would be proud of.
Guy Keulemans, Associate lecturer at UNSW Sydney, explores the problem of steel reinforcement, known as rebar, concealed within concrete structures.
While the three little pigs may not favour houses made of straw there's much to recommend straw bales in modern construction. We single out some exemplar projects and present a guide to using straw in your construction projects.
UK universities are becoming increasingly competitive as the student pool shallows. Iconic building and refurbishment projects are becoming increasingly common both as a means of attracting new students and meeting the shifting needs of existing workers and learners. We explore some of the key trends emerging from UK higher education's construction projects.
Research by AXA reveals that a new generation of tradesmen and women is arising. Far from being short on skills, these younger people are bringing a greater diversity of backgrounds and talents to the building trade.
We explore fire extinguishers and similar firefighting equipment. How fire extinguishers are colour coded and what kinds of fires different types of extinguisher can be used on.
The urbanisation process itself is one of the major causes of urban flooding. Here we explore ways of mitigating the impact and show how design and specification choices can make a significant difference.
Slides from the bsi BIM solutions presentation delivered by Andy Butterfield, Global Head of Construction and Product Certification at Ecobuild 2016.
We take a look at some key documentation that will prove invaluable when planning the fire safety strategy of your next project.
Slides from The Future of BIM presentation delivered by Richard Waterhouse from NBS/ RIBA Enterprises at Ecobuild 2016.
Slides from the Putting BIM at the heart of small practice presentation delivered by David Miller from David Miller Architects at Ecobuild 2016.
Slides from the Analogue to Digital presentation delivered by Rob Manning and David Philp from the UK BIM Task Group at Ecobuild 2016.