20 December 2022
We've made a full set of sample specifications available to download in both Uniclass and CAWS (Common Arrangement of Work Sections) format.
15 December 2022
As we reflect on the past year, here’s a round-up of some of the key moments of 2022.
12 December 2022
The launch of the new USMS library allows specifiers to develop specifications in the NBS Chorus software platform that they are familiar with, but using the content set required for international projects.
24 November 2022
See how Pyroguard is leading the way for architects to specify fire-safe glass on high rise construction projects.
21 November 2022
Closomat provide design advice for hygiene facilities in public spaces and hygiene rooms. Find out more about the company and their relationship with specifiers in this case study.
16 November 2022
We recently hosted a webinar about how NBS Chorus can be used by small practices. It featured Peter Wray, an architect based in Wales who uses NBS Chorus for Small Works which has a tailored content set designed for smaller projects.
We look at how to construct an action plan for sustainable housing development.
04 October 2022
Designing and specifying engineering systems for more sustainable outcomes on today’s projects.
12 September 2022
Nigel Rayner, Specification Writer from SNHA, demonstrates how he uses NBS Chorus to link the design model and specification on projects.
17 August 2022
One of the most popular features of NBS Chorus is the ability to plug the platform into design tools such as Autodesk Revit, Graphisoft Archicad or Nemetschek Vectorworks to better connect the design and specification process.
Well-managed project information and a robust specification are key to the success of construction projects. Kate Foster explains why, in the context of the current legal and contractual landscape.
Understand how a digital plan of work that follows the RIBA Plan of Work can be produced. Links are provided to RIBA resources, providing guidance and a Microsoft Excel template ‘Toolbox’.