A wide range of interesting articles that help you make informed decisions and deliver the best projects for your clients authored by our team of NBS subject specialists and construction industry contributors.
Our latest white paper, driven by a comprehensive survey of hundreds of construction professionals, highlights a concerning lack of consensus and clarity among industry leaders. The findings reveal that half of industry professionals remain unclear on the responsibilities of duty holders for the Gateways defined for higher-risk buildings.
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knowledge. Sign up today.
For the designer, BIM provides more than just a technological change in the way they work; it’s a complete refit of the entire design process. We explore what making the switch to BIM really means.
They say never a cross word at Christmas but we couldn't resist putting your BIM knowledge to the test with our perplexing puzzler this festive season.
Does your Medium daily digest need a boost? Check out these posts with a construction connection and load up on essential reading from the blogosphere.
Most of a building’s problems can be traced to moisture. It causes wood to decay, concrete to crack, fungus to grow, metals to corrode, pipes to burst (from the cycle of freezing and thawing), and it damages and discolours interior finishes. Understand moisture and you can prevent damp occuring.
Adrian Malleson takes the temperature of a UK construction industry mulling its post-Brexit future, six months on, distilling the responses to our second survey on the historic referendum on EU membership.
What happens in Vegas doesn't have to stay there. We share five key takeaways from the 2016 Autodesk University event, complete with links to watch some of the best sessions online.
Harnessing the power of the sun to cut energy costs seems to make good sense. Jess Sharman explores a new generation of polymer photovoltaics and explores the pros and cons of the new wave...
What rules govern private sector procurement and what are the pitfalls you need to avoid? We've the essential info that will save you both time and money when it comes to private sector construction tenders...
Hanif Kara and Daniel Bosia highlight how traditional notions of the design and engineering disciplines are being upended by digital change in a new book that draws heavily on practical examples from life at design and structural engineering firm AKT II.
By 2030, 60% of the world’s population is expected to live in mega-cities. How all those people live, and what their lives are like, will depend on important choices leaders make today and in the coming years.