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RIBA CPD Providers Network Quality Code

RIBA CPD Providers Network Service Provided by:
Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)
66 Portland Place

As a new or renewing member of the RIBA CPD Providers Network (available at MyAccount) the Network member is required to sign this Quality Code as part of the contract agreement.

This is a declaration of the Network member's commitment to providing high quality CPD material in line with the RIBA’s standards and requirements available via MyAccount, the RIBA is also required to abide by this declaration and will countersign and return a copy of this Quality Code to you.

Quality Statement

  1. As a member of the Network, we, the Subscriber, agree to produce and provide high quality, relevant CPD material which will contribute to the enhancement and development of the competence, knowledge and skills of construction industry professionals, for the RIBA to assess against quality standards that they RIBA may set from time to time.
  2. To enable RIBA to carry out spot checking and provide customer feedback, we also agree to register by correspondence at Customer Services, at least ten working days prior to the scheduled date:
    1. all events planned;
    2. all individuals who are or will be involved in the presentation of an event.

We further accept that:

  1. RIBA reserves the right to undertake spot checks and quality assurance checks from time to time and acknowledge that this will result in RIBA preparing a report and informing us of the outcome of these checks. The outcome might have an impact of the approval status of the material.
  2. The RIBA reserves the right to decline to approve, or to withdraw material, that has been found to be incorrect or not factual, that is in contravention of the relevant standards, that has not been updated in line with current statutory requirements, that contravenes relevant RIBA Policies, or would put the RIBA in disrepute, or would compromise specifier or public safety.
  3. The Subscriber is unable to make the crests available to third parties except for the purposes of marketing their CPD material or when presenting the Subscriber’s own CPD Material in the name of the Subscriber.
  4. Subscribers are obliged to update their material in line with new standards or legislation and generally every two years, or more frequently if necessary. They will inform the RIBA when the content has been updated and make a copy available to RIBA.
  5. If changes to updated CPD Materials are “significant”, and the CPD Materials need to be re-assessed, this will either come out of the Subscriber’s assessment allotment, or, if the allotment is used up, charged for as an additional assessment. RIBA will determine whether updates are considered “significant”.
  6. The RIBA CPD Providers Network subscription, the brand, and the “RIBA-assessed” designation cannot be transferred or sold onto any other parties.
  7. RIBA approval lasts for the duration of the Subscription and Contract only. Cancellation or withdrawal means that previously approved CPD Material no longer carries that status.
  8. RIBA agrees to continue to improve the range of quality of CPD opportunities through the RIBA CPD Providers Network and to uphold the highest possible standards of CPD.