Once payment has been received your subscription will be renewed automatically, so there is nothing more your need to do.
NBS Building, NBS Landscape, NBS Scheduler and NBS Contract Administrator
Once payment has been received a new licence will be issued. Please contact NBS Customer Support on +44 (0)345 456 9594 (Option 2) to obtain your new unlock code.
Frequently asked questions:
How can I request a copy of my invoice?
To receive a copy of your invoice by email, please email financesalesledger@ribaenterprises.com including your company name, postal and email address, product and renewal date.
How can I pay my invoice?
Payment can be made by BACS, CHAPS, cheque or credit card.
For BACS and CHAPS payments our bank account details are printed on the bottom of your invoice.
Please make cheques payable to NBS Enterprises Ltd, quoting your invoice number on the back.
To pay by credit card please telephone +44 (0)345 456 9594 (option 3).
I have a query about my renewal invoice, who do I contact?
In the first instance please contact your account manager or call us on: