This software update includes the official RIBA Contract Administration Forms for use with all the JCT/SBCC 2016 contracts. Forms for SBCC Standard and Design and Build Contracts to follow in future updates. The on-screen technical guidance and software help have been updated to reflect the latest changes, ensuring you have the support you need throughout the contract administration process. Users will also benefit from access to demo jobs that reflect the latest forms.
The general layout and contract administration approach will remain familiar to existing users.
The main differences to note when compared with previous versions include:
- All contractors forms have been removed with the exception of the Application for Payment which has been transferred to the Employers Agent Set
- New roles added to the distribution list - Principal Designer – to reflect changes in legislation

- Date now located beside the signature

- Easier to identify the contract you are using within the form

- Form of contract and Job title have been swapped over in the Job Details tab:

Customers using a shared data store across a network will be required to upgrade all users on their network to this latest version (v2.3.0). When installed, this NBS Contract Administrator update will upgrade your existing data store – any users on your network trying to use the software without upgrading will see this message:

We have also taken the opportunity to respond to customer raised bugs including:
- Some of our larger customers needed to be able to include larger numbers of Sectional Completion items so this has now been made possible
- The user interface displays longer Works Descriptions removing previous overlaps with the address field
Our online help pages contain a range of support articles for NBS Contract Administrator users. If you require assistance with your update, please contact the NBS Software Support Team.
You also have access to our team of technical specialists for contracts-related guidance.
When starting your next project that uses the JCT/SBCC 2016 contracts, select the latest 2016 forms in NBS Contract Administrator. We would advise you continue to use the forms already in use for completing your existing projects.
You can read a more detailed summary of the changes to JCT 2016 and associated contracts and what this means for NBS customers and products on